We fell asleep quite late after attempting to get a not sleepy Juni to sleep, and when you fall asleep late you wake late 🙂 Mona woke us at 09:15, so we hurried in order to get to meet Kalle and Gunnel – after a nice breakfast with pancakes, curd and some fresh fruit.
We met up at Dolphin, where Kalle & Gunnel have their beer and a few game of cards at 10:00 after the first two hours at the beach every day – today included. After some time playing with the waves with Juni while the adults were enjoying the view and trading gossip we moved on to our now regular spot at the beach again.
I decided to give the electronic stores a new chance and this time found that the first shop after “Samsung-man” was open – that is the door was open with a “closed” sign. He had the adapter cable I was looking for, but only EU plug version. Tried another down the road without luck, and ended up at some Sigma shop. The same story, after some pointing and describing they find the EU-plug version. The older proprietor seemed very confused that I wanted a Sri Lanka plug – “You just put a pen in the outlet” he said and demonstrated how to bypass the safety function of their outlets. I knew this from the past and was aiming for a safer alternative but I resigned and headed back to the beach.

Juni didn’t spend many minutes outside of the water, made some local friends and generally had a great time. We headed back around 13:30 or so to avoid the strongest sun – two minutes after we got inside the sky opened up and it was pouring down 🙂
It seemed like a good moment as any to apply some after-sun in hope to not turn into the danish flag colored tourists one can spot now and then at the beach. After the family was well moisturized I started to set up my laptop for some blogging and photo management, and realizing that I hadn’t downloaded the 40-50Gb of photos from iPhoto. I decided it would be nice not to download all that at once at least. We then got ourselves a Tuk-Tuk to get ourselves a late lunch at Neela’s, another place that was recommended by the hotel. I got a noodle soup, and Mona went for an avocado sandwich – very Sri Lankan. Neela’s were located a bit south from where we had spent most of our time and there was a nice break quite close to the beach where a lot of beginner-medium surfers were trying their luck. I think I might give it a shot another day.

We went back and realized that the late lunch would most likely be the last thing we ate today as we were back and felt that getting dressed again would be a chore too extensive for this late afternoon. Juni fell asleep like a baby at 20 after a full day and we weren’t many hours later either.
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