The night was ok, but we should probably try to remember ask for the AC today, not to be turned on during the night but to lower the temperature as we go to sleep and then a slow almost silent fan could be the secret sauce. And perhaps some treats for the dogs that enjoy barking at night.
Juni woke just before seven, and I had managed to not stay up too long reading so when she wanted to explore outside and had no interest in any slacking with iPad I got quickly dressed and left Mona to get some additional sleep.

We realized that this could be the day when we beat Kalle & Gunnel to the beach by a fair margin so we headed our strolling that way. Juni was happy to be first but explained that she missed her pacifier a bit. The same pacifier she loudly explained she would give up earlier in the morning. After taking some photos of each other we headed back and on our way back we bought some water for Juni to carry.

Mona was awake and after some preparations we headed back towards the beach – some simple yoghurt from the convenience store would suffice as brunch today.

At the beach it was same old, with the addition of the landlord Mapa and her kids Sanuki and Sazen. After intense playing Juni took a nap on the beach while Mona did Christmas food shopping with Kalle. Gunnel wasn’t feeling well so had headed home to rest.

As we packed our stuff and headed out for lunch we were just a bit too late and got caught in intense rain, luckily we aren’t made out of paper and it’s 28° degrees warm. We took a tuk-tuk to Neela’s where I forgot their definition of noodle soup is different from mine (but still OK, just more like minestrone soup) – on the other hand I had in my indecision also ordered some fried rice and got a really big and nice portion which I somehow managed to fit in my stomach.
On they way back we split up for some Christmas shopping and Juni wanted to play in the pool in the rain again. Which was fine until we saw lightning and remembered something about avoiding pools in such weather.
Gunnel was still resting but Kalle joined us for dinner, we had seen an Indian restaurant the day before and wanted to check that out. It was Paradiso Hotel and reviews were so-so and we were the only guests there (for both hotel and restaurant) so decided we would reconsider our choice so went to Moonshine that. Which was way to loud for Mona so we finally ended up at JHL, a place also recommend by Jippe The Villa. Unfortunately Kalle’s schnitzel was really bad, my chop suey wasn’t anything to write home about and service somewhat lacking. The price was high at least however, but at least when we got the bill the schnitzel wasn’t there and the staff apologized.
Not all dinners can be awesome but at least we remembered to get the A/C enabled as a pre-christmas gift to ourselves when we got home.
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