Sleeping next to the main road wasn’t ideal, but we felt we were in a way better position to solve our accommodation situation as well as figuring out what to do next. A few calls later and the situation had improved significantly. Hilltop Guest house, which we tried to book in the first place had a no-show and could offer us a double room 🙂 It was located 300m from Dream Cafe so a quick walk and we were there and could take in the magnificent view from their restaurant and roof top.
We took the opportunity to have some laundry done, and I didn’t have to state nothing should be tumbled since the washing machine consisted of a flat rock with a bar of soap. I took my chances with the exercising clothing but decided that I’d save one of my favorite Eton shirts for another laundry service. After settling in and taking the potential rainfall in consideration we figured a shorter trek today would be ideal.
After a nice lunch at Curd Shop in the centre we headed off. The trek is really light, thus one can make it a little more exciting by, as we did, ignoring the stairs and continue with the path winding up the hill until it disappears and one must trod a new one. The view was really nice, and we thought that if we had been a larger group the fancy 98 acres hotel nearby could have been an option with amazing views as well as quite nice gym.
At the top we snapped a few pictures and I walked around and was quite surprised to find myself a few meters away from a cow, who apparently liked the scenery as well as the grass. A short break with freshly cut up mangos and we started our decent. On the way back it started to drizzle lightly and we enjoyed afternoon tea and some cake along the road.
We got back to our hotel just in time to avoid the rain and slacked for an hour or two until the dinner we had booked at our guesthouse. I called a colleague at Netlight to discuss my first assignment and it sounds like I will start the very first day at
a customer, which feels great. Shortly after the power, and thus wifi, died but soon a generator got lights back.
Lights and power were still intermittent during the dinner but our portable speaker playing Melody Gardot and live candles complemented the nice curries really well. After the last round of desert we took a stroll down to the centre and had a drink at Chill who was surprisingly hip and nice, which partly explained why the two drinks were about the same price as our complete dinner. Unfortunately the gate closed at 22:00 so we had to get back home by then, or rather we stopped the proprietor from explaining how to enter afterwards explaining we were old and sleepy people. The end of the year was spent reading together in our cosy room hearing raindrops on the metal roof, a splendid finish and I hope 2014 will bring as many good memories as 2013.