
01082015 - Tanzania -  iPhone - IMG_2297To wake up without an alarm was quite nice for variation, and after a fresh breakfast and a quick survey of the beachfront we got back to bed. Today was a day without plans and there was Internet access so it meant some catching up but also more time for reading, writing and generally slacking off.31072015 - Tanzania -  iPhone - IMG_2294

We got back out around 1430 to see if we could have anything besides candy to eat, and had some nice soups. At the restaurant the hotel manager Julia (Swedish) asked what we had been up to since she hadn’t seen us the whole day, and we sheepishly stated that we had spent the day slacking and sleeping in our room. There would be plenty of days for excursions later on.

We decided that the hammocks near the pool ought to be tried and now we were at least outside. I also had to give the ocean a test when the tide was high and give the temperature a thumbs up, snorkeling would be fun later on. We then slacked some more before checking out dinner at 20. It was now quite crowded at the local restaurant so we took a stroll along the beach and stopped at Seles Bungalows which Julia had recommended earlier on. It was a nice atmosphere and good prices but we were quite full since our late lunch so only had some light snacks. A stroll back in the moonlight and back to the now made bed.01082015 - Tanzania -  iPhone - IMG_2300