Me, Ulf and Laura arrived with plenty of time enough to the airport. After some queuing it was time to check in. That is when I get told that my passport is a little to well-used. So just to be sure he would like me to check with an Aeroflot representative that my passport is ‘good enough’. I point out that my passport just got a visa so it apparently already past the scrutinizing eyes of the chinese authorities. I get assured that China won’t be a problem but my 6 hour transit stop in Moscow might end up with a flight back to Stockholm.
The Aeroflot person said ‘it’s up to you but I can’t guarantee you can continue’ and suggested that I get a temporary passport at the police (It’s now 50 minutes left before my plane leaves) for the nominal fee of 980 swedish krona. I explain that I’m quite short on time, and the passport looks nice to me so I guess I would have to take my chances. She then tells me that I should go to the police Now. After some hectic searching for buses at Arlanda I get to the police, get a new passport, get a bus back, check in, pass through security. In time. As a bonus the very same Aeroflot lady gives me my pack of flight tickets (which she somehow manages to steal from me I assume).
Not bad for the first few hours, next stop will be Moscow for a bunch of hours, we will see what happens there 🙂
Careful planning is often the key to success. It’s also something that can ruin the fun of traveling to new places, situations and meeting strange and wonderful people.
So I decided to go for the middle-way here, I wrote a list with things to bring and after a kind person informed me of Beijing’s temperature (about 5-10 degrees colder than Gothenburg) I bought a couple of winter shoes. Then to spice things up I made sure that the actual packing would be done after the christmas party at work.
I ended up throwing random items in my army bag in panic after realizing the alarm had been on for 45 minutes. The dimly lit room combined with the fact that I had slept for one or two hours tops and still was drunk surely threw in a surprise or two when I later check my luggage. I’m now on the train to Stockholm where I’ll crash at Ulf and tomorrow it looks like the plane leaves for Beijing.
We started out the last whole day in Tokyo by browsing Takeshi Doori in Harajuku again. After I’d checked the items on my list from Lotta we strolled around and got back to the hostel quite early in order to do some packing.
The main idea for the packing was to fill one bag good enough to protect my precious liquor and consider the other one to be lost or smashed. The plan was to meet Megumi and her friend Haruna at Takashimaya Times Square just outside the ‘Tsukiji Tama Sushi’ at 18.40 but we were running a bit late so we called (like an hour before we should be there) and said that we would be 20 minutes late.
We arrived more or less on the new time only to find that Megumi and Haruna had been waiting in line to get a table and it was our turn just when we got there. Nice timing, for us at least. Megumi had presents for us and we hadn’t thought of to bring her any which felt kind of bad but at least we managed to steal the check for the Sushi restaurant this time. The Sushi was really nice, although Megumi said it would be better at another place in the same chain.
After that it was time do practice some Karaoke. So we got a small room with a TV, a karaoke machine and a bottle of Shochu. Ulf and I argued that we would need the help of Shochu in order to start singing since we normally don’t do this. The girls were now on alert and quickly paid for both Ulf and me to our dismay. I’m not sure whether guys should pay for girls or not in Japan, I guess we should look it up till next time. That is unless we would want to show how equal we are in Sweden by splitting all costs 😉
We were taking turns with the mic and I started out really really bad- I thought Mrs Robinsson was a song I knew quite well but apparently the score-system on the Karaoke machine and I disagreed. They had really a diversity of songs and the girls were entitled to hear me and Ulf sing songs from groups such as KLF, Pantera, Slipknot, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Depeche Mode among others.
It was much more fun than I’ve expected and I maybe will buy some karaoke-game for my PS2 when I get back to Sweden. Even though many songs were on the lists, when played they didn’t quite sound as the originals. I can assure you that singing ‘The Perfect drug’ to what more sounds like a midi-file than the song isn’t as easy as you might think. I think the following were the best performed songs by each participant;
Megumi: Green Day – Basket Case
Ulf: Ace of Base – All that she wants
Viktor: Slipknot – Surfacing
Haruna: The theme song of Neon Evangilion Genesis.
After the karaoke we tried some Pachinko (extremely addictive game in Japan and the only legal one where you can make money) for a very short time. We had been there less than five minutes when a guy told us the place was closing and we needed to change our metallic balls (part of the game and also serves at a currency) for toys. After some arguments between Megumi and the management at the place we got our money back and we decided to spend them at a regular gaming/arcade hall.
It seems like in Japan very much is about music, the unmistakable ‘game-music’, theme songs from anime, the traffic lights, cleaning machines and about everything else you can think of. In a regular supermarket I guess you can count up to perhaps 3-5 tunes if you listen carefully at any given spot. So of course the games focus a lot on music/sound as well. We tried some games where you played drums or the guitar and quickly realized that the girls were far superior. It should be noted that in comparison to what seemed to be the standard clientele the girls were mere rookies. If you have seen really really skilled people playing games involving dance mats you get the idea.
Time was running and we all to soon had to say goodbye to the girls and catch our train back to the hostel. It wasn’t without some reluctance we were leaving the Yamamote line and saying goodbye to the never sleeping Tokyo, for this time.
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