Heading to the Beach

shapeimage_2We Checked out after a decent sleep and got some information on our luggage which should be on it’s way. After breakfast we walk along the coast and look at the chinese fishing nets which is a symbol for the city.

IMG_1850After disposing our trash in the fab bins we picked up our remaining luggage (Mona’s clothes). Finnair Delphi office require some convincing work but in the end they agreed to pay for any taxi costs for us to pick our lost luggage (My clothes and our toiletries) up at the airport or send someone in our place.
We got on the Ferry to Vypin Island (4 Rs for both), a local bus to Cherrai (25 Rs for both).

After strolling the beach road at Cherai Beach for some time we decided to check in at Sealine Resort (2000 Rs -> 1500 Rs). Took a stroll along the beach and met tons of indian students and families bathing after work (fully dressed for females of course). We kindly accepted offers to model with the locals before returning to the Resort where we had a nice dinner and our first beers for the vacation.

Maybe it was the beer, or maybe it was the heat but I was mad thirsty and we were out of water, I managed to fall asleep but in the middle of the night my thirst woke me and I during a nightly excursion found a not-locked-therefore-free cabinet of water and sodas.

Who enjoys Easy difficulty anyways?

P1000428Great start of the trip – I get a call from Sossen and realize that I’ve misunderstood when they should be picked up – we hurry to the airport but not before noticing the parking ticket. Apparently Tuesdays odd weeks between 9 and 12 are 600 SEK. Well well – at least we managed to not miss the connection in Helsinki and got a couple of hours of sleep on the flight to Delhi.

Our luggage had not made that flight however, so some paperwork after realizing that no more luggages will appear on the conveyor belt. Getting on the final flight to Kochin (with a stop midway at some unknown airport). Finally arriving we get a pre-booked taxi (720 Rs) to Fort Kochin. We find a nice, but somewhat pricy place called Adams Old Inn for 2000 Rs.

IMG_1842Dumped our luggage, had a nice and cheap dinner at Talk of the Town – bought some toiletries and went to bed.